HLB Life Science Secures Exclusive Rights for Only FDA-Approved Vitamin C Injection in Korea and JapanBig Tech 2024. 7. 19. 16:06
· HLB Life Science gets exclusive rights for ASCOR, the first and only FDA-approved ascorbic acid injection product.
HLB Life Science has secured exclusive distribution rights for ASCOR, only FDA-approved ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) injection product in Korea and Japan.
ASCOR is an intravenous injectable developed by McGuFF, a renowned American company specializing in anti-cancer and anti-aging healthcare solutions. The product is currently supplied to over 5,000 hospitals across the United States, including prestigious institutions such as Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Hospital, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Mayo Clinic.
Source IT Times : https://www.ittimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=40599'Big Tech' 카테고리의 다른 글
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